Monday, February 9, 2009

The Funniest/Meanest thing a classmate has done 2 a Subsitute.......

The meanest thing a child n my class has ever did to a sub was throw a paper foam ball at the teacher nose. we was in class and this boy name jamal was always the classclown. So the teacher was getting on his nervous and he was cracking jokes about her . Everybody was laughing and stuff so when he got real fead up with her he picked upthis ball that my teacher was using for are next project. so he was trying to shoot it in the garbage and when she was going out the door, the foam ball hit her in the nose and it started bleeding . In the 5mins the police had came to question him but he told them and the teacher that he apologize. She excepted his apology but the ignorant principal was like im still going to give him 10 days. When my teacher came back she had already heard about it before she came in the classroom. so she asked us how we felt about the situation. I told her that i think it was an accident because everybody know that Jamal like basketball alot and that i don't think he ment no harm and that the sub shouldve been in the classroom. Overrall he came back to school after his suspension and everybody had alot of questions for him.