Thursday, November 20, 2008


What is your favorite subject? math
What color are your socks right now? pink & white
What was the last thing you ate? seasoned potatoes
Can you drive? no
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? red because it is a beautiful color
The last person spoke to on the phone? Kyreea
What is your favorite candy? Snicker
Favorite drink? Sierra Mist splash with crandberry
What is your favorite sport to watch? football
Have you ever dyed your hair? no
Pets? no
Favorite food? Smothered potatoes & fries
What was the last movie you watched? Rush Hour 1
What do you do to vent anger? listen to music
What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie washing Machine
What is your favorite season fall or spring? spring
Cherries or blueberries? Cherries
When was the last time you laughed? today
What did you do last night? Went downtown & talked on the phone
Favortie Smells? Victoria secret
What inspires you? my momma
What are you afraid of? rat
Favorite dog breed? Rock wilder
Number of keys on your key ring? 1
Favorite day of the week? saturday
How many states how you lived in? 2
Favortie holiday? Christmas
Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery? no
Ever left the country? no
Favorite kind of music? Hiphop & R&B
Last book you read? Girls From The Hood 2


mrs.weezy said...

girlllllll i would say you sound pretty cool but it aint like i dont kno u cuz i kno u already coo so yea shawty shawty i aint got nuttin else 2 say u juz my 'g' 4 life wat up!!!!!!!!!